(Français) Hydrogène et transition énergétique : le sénateur René Trégouët cite H2Pro, technologie israélienne (Technion)

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(Français) Université Ben Gourion du Néguev (Israël) : transformer en gaz des déchets contenant du carbone

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(Français) Weizmann (Israël) : stocker l’hydrogène chimiquement grâce à la pipéridine

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Tel Aviv and Chicago Universities: Quark-level analogue of nuclear fusion with doubly heavy baryons

The essence of nuclear fusion is that energy can be released by the rearrangement of nucleons between the initial- and final-state nuclei. The recent...

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A g. : assistant professeur Maytal Caspary Toroker, à d. Vicky Fidelsky

Technion (Israel): the success of doping iron for the best catalyst known today for splitting water

The research group led by Asst. Prof. Maytal Caspary Toroker from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering deciphered the reason for the success...

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Weizmann (Israel): Controlling Electron Spin for Efficient Water Splitting

Water is made of oxygen and hydrogen, and splitting water molecules to produce hydrogen for fuel is a promising path for alternative energy. One...

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Dr Shani Elitzur, Faculté d'ingénierie aérospatiale, Technion, Israël

Technion (Israel): In-flight, on-demand hydrogen production could mean ‘greener’ aircraft

Aerospace engineers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed and patented a process that can be used onboard aircraft while in flight to...

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De g. à d. : Prof. Gideon Grader, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Avigail Landman, Prof. Avner Rothschild from the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

Technion (Israel): Hydrogen On Demand through separation of hydrogen production and oxygen production

Technion researchers have developed a new method for the production of hydrogen from water using solar energy. The new method will make it possible...

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Israël Science Info